I've never been one to have a huge grizzle. Maybe a couple of audible huffs or groans, but not a huge gripe. This is what I like to think, reality be damned.
Anyhow, it's surprising the number of people I meet over the years that are just plain unreliable, whether they mean to be or not. I was in last week that I had the chance to rebook and extend my holiday in Aussie (had a great time by the way). But since a mate was coming to crash in Milan for a few days, I flagged that I idea and came back as originally planned. And wouldn't ya know it, they reneged...without so much as peep. Oh, and Rob was planning to come down to Milan for a weekend, so several weeks in advance I blocked out a weekend for him to come down...only for another reneg at the 11th hour (the cost of the flight was too much). I have other smaller stories, but you get the idea.
Now, I'd like to say what pisses me off the most is not that they're not coming (it does matter somewhat) but it's just how people blow out for the lamest reasons and you're left hanging when you could have planned some other shit to do. I'm sure this happens to other people - there's no such thing as an organised conspiracy like this (now where did I put my tin foil hat?). I'm probably guilty of the same, but I do it less and less as time goes on. One of the good (debatable if you speak to my mother) habits that my old man passed on is to be super obliging if people ask for help and not pussy out unless you've got some good reason... maybe someone died (after the funeral you can continue where you left off).
I'm trying not to sound like I'm trumpet blowing, but I wish others would be less lame. No-one is an island, you need to have other people around; friends, collegues, family, sports mates and it's cool to know such dudes. But here's a synthesis of Chris' rule of thumb when dealing with others:
- Give people the benefit of the doubt on the little things (keep the world spinning with good vibes), but don't rely on unknowns to do something important, the right way , unless you really know them.
--- This is kinda like going flatting with mates. Your boozer mate from uni might be the coolest dude until he starts leaving shit-infested undies all around the flat. He's still a good dude as long as you don't share living premises with him or his stools.
- Don't rely on others to give you feel good vibes. If you act like an attention leech, it's like any drug. You turn in to a cranky princess if you don't get your fix. But I learned this many years ago and it's a damn cool rule o' thumb to live by.
- When someone comes in to your part of the woods (even if they're 5 hours' flight away), book a flight. But this one is a bit touch and go....I like traveling and can't wait to visit some new city/country. So invariably I'm usually booking flights to catch up with mates in new places. But that's cool by me.
Tomorrow, something less emo....although I have to post a copy of "Emoflights" I caught going through Dubai the other day.