Ich bin ein Frankfurter noch ein mal
Work has sent me back to old faithful - Frankfurt, but this time only for three months (where have I heard that before)? I was out at a pub just up the road in Berger Strasse (where the Frankfurt night life is) one night and met some foreign people who also were also only in Frankfurt for a "few months". For one dude, it had turned in to a couple of years. It's not exactly like the Hotel California where you can never leave, but it's along those lines. Anyhow, I'll be here until the start of April.
While it was a bit of all right doing lots of travelling, it's good to have a steady place to crash for a few weeks where the hotel cleaners aren't knocking on your door every couple of hours wanting to clean the room. I've uploaded some photos of the flat, but God knows why you'd want to look at them - wierdo!
The weekend just been I was in Munich and Salzburg and other bits of Austria. Most of Saturday was spent recovering from Friday night's effort at the local brewery in Salzburg imbibing beer via 1L jugs and chowing down on some hearty pork knuckle. The afternoon was spent on the Sound of Music tour - I got some good snoozing time in the bus and a couple of tacky souvenirs as well as some choice-as apple strudel. I'm sure the tour was nice!
We didn't get any skiing in on Saturday (various odds stacked against us for that one), but I will say this.... For all the fancy gadgetry and engineering that BMW build in to their 1 Series cars (you imagine it, they've got it), there's no buzzer to tell you that you've left the lights on when you get out at night. It wouldn't surprise me that they have a reason for it.
Me, Truman and Dylan have started work on a book covering BRAS stuff (geeky work-related verbiage) and hope to have it finished by October. I was hoping it would be available in the stores before Xmas (the perfect stocking addition, by the way), but it sounds like we'll miss out. Based on timings so far, it'll make the perfect Easter-Jesus treasure hunt prize. Forget the eggs.
who was the "We" that went skiing? And if you are silly enough to leave the lights on after you get out of a car at night you shouldn't be driving a B.M.W. And Mum says you shouldn't drink litre jugs of beer. It's not good for you. Ciao
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